

Ragged batching是一种避免显式填充的功能,它允许用户指定哪些输入不需要进行形状检查。用户可以通过在模型配置中设置allow_ragged_batch字段来指定这样的输入(不规则输入):

input [
    name: "input0"
    data_type: TYPE_FP32
    dims: [ 16 ]
    allow_ragged_batch: true

How ragged input are processed in a batch of requests depends on the backend implementation. The backends, such as ONNX Runtime backend, TensorFlow backend, PyTorch backend, and TensorRT backend, require models to accept ragged inputs as 1-dimensional tensors. These backends concatenates the request inputs into the 1-dimensional tensor.

Because the concatenated input doesn’t track the start and end index for each request, the backends often require the model to have additional input(s), batch input, that describe various information about the batch formed.
